Ascending the Fourteener of Recovery

A Mother and Daughter’s Climb toward Eating Disorder Freedom

Non-Fiction - Memoir
268 Pages
Reviewed on 05/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Ascending the Fourteener of Recovery: A Mother and Daughter’s Climb toward Eating Disorder Freedom is a work of non-fiction in the memoir, health issues, and inspirational writing subgenres. It is best suited to the mature adult reader owing to the presence of strong language and some references to mental health issues and suicidal thoughts. Penned by author team KC Tillman and Bryn Tillman, this harrowing work chronicles a poignant two-year battle with anorexia nervosa, offering hope and inspiration to others on the healing journey. Bryn Tillman's struggle with impossibly high expectations and body image issues leads her into the grip of an eating disorder, while her mother, KC Tillman, stops at nothing to save her daughter's life. Through candid storytelling, they navigate the hellacious trenches of mental illness, with Bryn's journey from darkness to recovery serving as a beacon of hope amidst despair.

Author team KC Tillman and Bryn Tillman have brought their unique but cooperative perspectives together to craft a truly special and honest account of a mother and daughter grappling with the devastating effects of anorexia nervosa. KC Tillman's unwavering determination to save her daughter's life and Bryn's courageous battle against the demons of self-doubt and body image issues leap off the page with strong, emotive narration that gets to the point and leaves no stone unturned. The raw honesty with which they shared their experiences painted a vivid picture of the pain and despair they both went through, and this ultimately makes the triumph of recovery all the more inspiring and powerful. As someone who is very passionate about mental health advocacy, I found this book very accessible in helping people understand the condition and its many side effects, shedding light on the complexities of eating disorders and the importance of support, understanding, and perseverance in overcoming them. Overall, Ascending the Fourteener of Recovery is a highly recommended read that is sure to offer solace and inspiration to anyone navigating their path toward healing.