Finger of Land on an Old Man's Hand

Adventures in Mexico's Baja Wilderness

Non-Fiction - Adventure
482 Pages
Reviewed on 06/14/2023
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Author Biography

Earl Vincent de Berge is an Arizona native, writer, photographer and poet. As a political scientist, he founded Behavior Research Center, Inc., and created the respected and widely published Rocky Mountain Poll (RMP), of which he was Editor for 35 years. Earl’s photographs, diaries and essays reflecting on life experiences serve as foundations for his prose and poems; some early poems are included herein. Earl has recently published three collections of his poems, "Alegro to LIfe," "Swans to Carry Me," and "Wind in the Elephant Tree," which touch on nature, human nature, love, desert silence, and life in Guatemala. He is currently assembling “The Man Who Ate His Dreams," a biography of a rags-to-riches businessman, artist and poet. Earl and his wife Suzanne split their time between Arizona and Guatemala where they founded the NGO Seeds for a Future to help impoverished rural women learn to improve their families’ access to adequate food and nutrition with home gardens and small animal protein sources.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Joanne Ang for Readers' Favorite

Finger of Land on an Old Man’s Hand: Adventures in Mexico's Baja Wilderness by Earl Vincent de Berge is a personal adventure in the Mexican state of Baja California between the years 1962 and 1964. Back in the day, Baja California was a challenging area that proved difficult to exploit. Mountainous, barren, and yet sometimes lush greenery show that Baja has something special. With so much wildlife hiding within its environs, Earl Vincent de Berge will take you on a thrilling adventure to discover the history of this unique state through his encounters and photographs that portray a period now frozen in time. From fishing and searching for gold nuggets to the author’s contact with the villagers, this book will show you a side of Baja that you have never seen before.

Finger of Land on an Old Man’s Hand by Earl Vincent de Berge is a spectacular account of his journey through Baja California. I thoroughly enjoyed the photographs by the author as they give us a glimpse of life as it was, while also showing us how much Baja California has developed in 50 years. I also appreciated that the author provided a brief history of Baja, giving readers a better idea of this special place before his big adventure. The author’s account is extremely detailed, which creates a pleasant reading experience as we are given a full view of everything that has transpired. The few short poems included in this book are also charming. This is similar to a personal journal that has so much to offer yet remains intimate.