Holy Smoke

Hellbound Book 1

Romance - Paranormal
365 Pages
Reviewed on 05/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ammaarah Seboa for Readers' Favorite

What’s a worse fate than the forbidden love between a demon and a demon hunter? In Holy Smoke: Hellbound Book 1 by Gin Griffith, we welcome to the stage Jovi, a freshly escaped succubus from Hell, on a mission for answers to her past. Joining her, not by choice, is Agent Rogan, one of the Magical Law Enforcement’s (MLE) best and brightest. After their first meeting, Jovi ended up with a trackband on her wrist and thought that was the end of it. However, fate had other plans and now Jovi’s biggest challenge is keeping her identity a secret while cozying up to Agent Rogan. Did I mention that demons are on her trail?

Do you know how much I loved this book? Words cannot describe how quickly I devoured it. Everything was top-notch, from the character development, world-building and plot to the pacing of the story. When I was down to the last few chapters I got a bit anxious, hoping there would not be a cliffhanger and there wasn’t one. Jovi’s character is such a breath of fresh air, and I adored her gutsy attitude. This little package of dynamite knew exactly what to say to defuse any situation; you could say it was her otherworldly charm. Agent Rogan was your typical health nut military man while Jovi lived off sugar. She was also his missing puzzle piece. The spicy scenes to plot ratio was perfect. The universe in Holy Smoke was so nuanced and reminded me of the Bewitched and Bewildered series by Alanea Alder, the only difference is that it’s not set in our reality. I am looking forward to anything and everything by Gin Griffith and will be keeping my eyes peeled for more of the Hellbound series.