I Dream I Wake I Write

A Compilation of Stories from Real and Not-So-Real Events

Fiction - Anthology
140 Pages
Reviewed on 03/10/2024
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Author Biography

Jane Ruby found nothing more therapeutic than deconstructing her life memoir into several short stories and essays. It became a fun project and hopefully entertaining for the reader.

Her first writing experience was as reporter/editor for an underground high school newspaper. Its circulation subsequently got her suspended. A few years later, she only wrote to get a college degree or paycheck from her employer.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Immerse yourself in an enthralling collection of short stories with Jane Ruby's I Dream I Wake I Write. A high schooler practices his swing for an upcoming golf tournament, only to become the target of killer drones after he comes across a mysterious memory card. An old man regales his grandson with a story of how his great-grandfather helped thwart a robbery in the Wild West. A woman shares memories of her middle school days on Facebook when her seventh-grade crush unexpectedly turns up over the thread. The narrator shares her harrowing experiences in a Catholic school, where the teachers never shied away from using corporal punishment on students. An educator reevaluates her entire life after she finds the gates of heaven closed. A woman spills a few juicy secrets about her family in front of her niece.

I Dream I Wake I Write is the perfect book for short story lovers. Jane Ruby draws from her own life experiences to tell some fascinating tales that keep you engaged all the way through. Filled with humor, drama, and intrigue, these stories touch upon a broad spectrum of human emotions and feelings. A couple of these tales have shocking twist endings that are bound to take readers by surprise. Ruby's writing style exudes a sense of familiarity that makes these tales feel personable and relatable. I found some of these stories, especially the ones narrated in the first person, both hilarious and charming in a unique manner. Overall, this is a fantastic anthology and one that I will gladly recommend to short story readers.


Very good easy to read short stories. It was fun reading all the different one. My favorite one was about Catholic schools. It was exactly how I felt being a lefty

Kathleen Cook

Wild adventures and thrilling finales, as usual. Great job!


Each of these stories is a small gem - fully realized, complete, and satisfying. They're appropriate for a younger audience, yet hearty enough for adult readers.