Sunshine Clinic

A Novel with Recipes

Fiction - Cultural
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 05/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Foluso Falaye for Readers' Favorite

Sunny doesn't want to become the second daughter and live in her big sister's shadow. Instead, she considers providing healthcare services to the people of her village. Subsequently, Sunny begins her practitioner duties and experiences the joy and pain of being a doctor. From losing people and being at the right place to save the sick to witnessing deplorable acts, her days as a doctor are filled with emotional situations and compelling stories. Sunny also finds herself forming a bond with a charming foreigner called Callum and receiving advice from Bhadra, a superstitious character who never stops talking about "the goddess." Meera Ekkanath Klein's Sunshine Clinic is a riveting tale about a doctor's practice in a small village and the string of diverse medical cases she attends to as she seeks balance and explores the longing of the heart.

Meera's story makes you feel warm and close to its characters from start to finish. The calm pace reflects the atmosphere of a small farming village. However, the serenity is sometimes interrupted by medical emergencies, which compel an eagerness to see the patients healed. Sunshine Clinic's themes are quite magical and evocative, especially those of communal values, food, love, and the spiritual world. Some of these themes engender curiosity and suspense, like when Callum appears to have another girlfriend and when Bhadra predicts the future. Ultimately, Sunshine Clinic is a masterfully constructed story that's perfect for reading relaxation. Readers will be captivated by its blend of charming characters, dire emergencies, and a sensational love story. If I see another book by Meera Ekkanath Klein, I will grab it without hesitation. I can't wait to try the mouth-watering recipes at the end.