
The walk in and out of darkness

Non-Fiction - Inspirational
136 Pages
Reviewed on 01/22/2020
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Author Biography

Life has thrown a lot at Honey Kasper, who writes under a pen name to maintain anonymity. Between several types of abuse to battling cancer, Kasper has been tested more times than she can count. She’s still fighting, though, and has the resilient spirit to show for it.
Honey Kasper is more than just an author—she's a testament to the indomitable spirit of survival. Enduring life's harshest challenges, from abuse in its many forms to battling cancer, Honey transformed her pain into a narrative of hope and resilience. With deep faith and an uplifting perspective, her story in Unpredictable: The Walk in and Out of Darkness aims to guide others from darkness to light. Let her words inspire and heal you.
Honey Kasper's life was far from predictable. From malnourishment to enduring 89 surgeries, from facing the dark depths of abuse to battling cancer, the odds seemed insurmountably stacked against her. But Honey's story isn't one of defeat. It's a testament to the strength of the human spirit.
This isn’t just Honey’s story. It's a beacon for anyone who's experienced trauma, a guiding light for survivors searching for hope, and a resource for professionals in mental health. Embark on this moving journey and discover inspiration and healing for your own wounds.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Mamta Madhavan for Readers' Favorite

Unpredictable: The walk in and out of darkness by Honey Casper is a heartrending account of the author's personal story of trauma, adversity, perseverance, courage, and strength, and how she got back her missing years and built a life surrounded by people with a positive outlook and her faith in God. She looks at the difficult times in her life in a positive manner and considers it to be God's plan to get her where he wanted her to be. She presents her inspirational story through this book, from the time she was born, her family, her childhood experiences, adulthood, trauma, PTSD, and finally her faith in God.

Unpredictable by Honey Casper gives hope to readers out there who are from dysfunctional families and the author's fortitude and faith will inspire readers to deal with their problems in a positive way. Honey Casper is honest and straightforward when it comes to speaking about her life and her personal experiences and it is painful to read the trauma and abuse she had to go through. Her story gives hope and her courage, strength, perseverance, and faith in God when it came to dealing with the setbacks and finally putting her life back on track are inspiring and will help every reader out there, dealing with personal struggles, to enjoy the small things in life, appreciate them, and be grateful. What makes the memoir memorable is the way the author turned the tables and brought positivity into her life and got back her power instead of wallowing in self-pity.