Wedding Haters

Event to Remember Series Book 2

Fiction - Chick Lit
246 Pages
Reviewed on 10/31/2016
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Elizabeth Butts for Readers' Favorite

Wedding Haters follows Madison Wales and her comedian fiance as they plan out their perfect wedding. I mean, c'mon, it is every woman's dream to plan and plot the PERFECT day filled with perfect moments. Madison is on track to that perfect day, thanks to one of her best friends, Sienna Harris, who recently started her own event planning company, Sheer Happiness. Everything was going exactly as the bride wanted it to (which is how it should be) until she gets a call from her grandmother that sends everything into a tailspin. Suddenly she is dealing with evil cousins (I might have nightmares about those two!), last minute 'Oh My God' moments, and a wedding that almost isn't. Somehow, Madison manages to not kill people (which is super impressive, by the way) and Sienna manages to avoid having her newly formed company collapse before it really gets started. But will this be the wedding of the century that Madison wants?

Author Melissa Baldwin has done it again! This is the second book in the Event to Remember series. I enjoyed this book as much as the first, and found myself gasping while reading it, laughing out loud (and getting questioning looks while doing so), rolling my eyes and hating on some evil cousins that deserved some serious smack-down! I love a book where the author sucks you in and makes you a part of the story. When you feel so much emotion that you wish you could reach into your Kindle and strangle a character, that's some amazing writing right there. I can't wait to read the next book!