A Twist of Fae

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
305 Pages
Reviewed on 08/04/2022
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Author Biography

El Holly loves to write, especially books full of adventure and whimsy. When she isn’t writing, teaching, or “mom-ing,” you can find her sipping on coffee or taking her dogs, Mack and Kevin, on walks in Minnesota.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

In A Twist of Fae by El Holly, we discover that Evelyn, known as Eevee to her friends, is adopted. She recently learned that she’s not even fully human. She’s part Fae. She knows who her birth parents are, but she hasn’t met them – yet. She wants to meet them, even though she’s quite happy with her adopted family. The thing is, as she matures, so do her Fae characteristics, like pointed ears and the ability to do certain feats of magic. As she explores her heritage further, she realizes she’s going to have to make some pretty hard choices. This is more than just meeting her birth parents. If she does meet them, they might perish, or the adopted family and her friends, all of whom she’s come to love and cherish, might be in peril. What does she do, and what does she choose? She can’t detach herself from the inevitable evil that plagues both her human family and her Fae family. She has to make a choice.

El Holly’s young adult novel, A Twist of Fae, is a clever and magical adventure in fantasy. Written in the first person narrative from Eevee’s point of view, the story follows this young girl’s coming of age. The tale is all about making choices, from choosing her friends (some Fae, some gender non-conforming, and there’s even a cat with special abilities) to the more difficult decisions surrounding adoptive and natural families. The narrative follows an engaging direction, leading us through Eevee’s journey of discovery as she learns more about who she is, whom she can trust, and which direction she should follow. Life is full of choices and Eevee is faced with some of the most difficult choices any young person, or any person for that matter, should have to make. A real forward-driven, exciting adventure for young readers.