Anger Turns Imotakon

An introduction to unlock anger management tools for children aged 6-11

Children - Educational
44 Pages
Reviewed on 05/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Amy Louise Hill for Readers' Favorite

Anger Turns Imotakon: An Introduction to Unlock Anger Management Tools for Children Aged 6-11, written by Kimmil Hollis and Crystal Lopez, is an educational book for young readers. Superhero Atomic is about to set out on his first mission. He acquires useful advice from his mentor and heads down to Earth to help a boy who is about to lose control of his anger. Atomic begins to help the boy but is met with an evil foe who is trying to do the opposite to the boy. In a battle between good and evil, will Atomic be able to get through to the boy and teach him how to control his emotions? Or will Misery Lover prevail? Find out in this educational picture book.

Anger Turns Imotakon is a story children are going to love and learn from right from the moment they begin reading. Allow your child to dive into the world authors Kimmil Hollis and Crystal Lopez have created and have them learn how to control their emotions through powerful and useful coping techniques. Not only does this book have educational aspects to offer, but it also has tremendous amounts of adventure and thrills. From start to finish, children will relate to the young boy's character and start to assess their own feelings. The illustrations by Ika Elise are captivating and professional. I loved reading this wonderful book and can't wait to read more from these two incredible authors. I hope they continue to teach children these important life lessons.