
A Gender Sensitive Study of Plays Based on the Myth: Final Edition

Non-Fiction - Historical
313 Pages
Reviewed on 07/19/2023
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Mariana Mukhebi for Readers' Favorite

The revised and updated edition of Electra: A Gender Sensitive Study of Plays Based on the Myth: Final Edition plays into an integral part of Western civilization; Electra'sinfluence on popular culture is highly regarded. Electra is one of the recurring myths in Western society in various dramatic forms that include plays featuring the same deep mythical structure. By its definition, it aims to question the role of the opposition. These include logic versus instinct, night versus day, and repression versus freedom. The study examines the conflicting opinions between the impulses for creativity, represented by passion and freedom, and civilization, characterized by control, reason, and order. Dr. Batya Casper discusses theater in greater detail without undermining its original purpose. The oral tradition has many complexities, with myths being one of them. The plays used in this study trace their roots back to the classical Greek plays of the three great fifth-century tragedians.

While opinions tend to differ to certain extents, this study looks at matters from a diverse perspective. Electra: Final Edition is exceptional. Its arguments are based on gender-sensitive issues and socio-sexual behavioral influences in society. In her writing, Dr. Batya Casper focuses on the challenging aspects of historical, political, and social dynamics affecting society. She uses a series of illustrations to exemplify meaning through interactions. This study is specially designed for those with a deeper understanding of the mythical concept and its psychological implications, and we can relate well to the concept. It's informative and educational.