God, Right Here

Meeting God in the Changing Seasons

Children - Christian
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 10/24/2023
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Melinda Facal for Readers' Favorite

God, Right Here is a beautiful Christian children’s picture book written by Kara Lawler with illustrations by Jennie Poh. This delightful story highlights the bounty and beauty found in nature as a reflection of God’s steadfast presence with each of us. Children enjoy the best each season has to offer, from playing in the rain to jumping in colorful fallen leaves, watching the snow fall, and swimming under the sun. Young readers are encouraged to observe the natural world around them as God’s artwork and an indication that He is always near. Gorgeous and detailed illustrations convey the warmth of this inspiring book. Kara Lawler shares that nature has always comforted her and how it brought peace to her family throughout the pandemic.

God, Right Here shares an uplifting message that reminds readers of all ages to notice the abundance of God’s glorious creation and presence all around us. Children will be heartened as they realize that God is always close to us and even through changing seasons and weather, God’s faithful love and presence will always endure. This meaningful story gently conveys God’s love for all that He has created. Kara Lawler demonstrates how spending time outside and taking time to notice and appreciate the change of seasons can be a simple yet profound way to reflect on God’s goodness. This heartwarming story will provide children and their families with moments of tranquility and hope as they consider the wonder of God’s magnificent creation. This is a highly recommended read.