Magic, Mayhem & Murder

Manitoba Tea & Tarot Mysteries Book 1

Fiction - Mystery - Sleuth
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 09/17/2023
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Liz Konkel for Readers' Favorite

Magic, Mayhem, and Murder by January Bain is the first book in the Manitoba Tea and Tarot Mystery series. Charm takes her role as protector of the town seriously and works to help everyone with their problems. She’s learned how to utilize her skills as a witch by drawing inspiration from mysteries and using these to catch a killer. However, she never expected to have competition until a Mountie arrived. He questioned her expertise during a mystery that included poisoned jam as a murder weapon, pointing an unfortunate finger in the direction of Charm’s family. When another local is found dead, she’s more determined than ever to catch the killer no matter what it takes and prove that her friends are innocent.

This is as a great introduction to Charm and the world that January Bain has created with a flashback that establishes the tone, the characters, and the setting. Magic plays an important role in bringing these elements to life. The magic is incorporated into the story through a vivid and layered world that Bain uses as the perfect backdrop. The familial dynamics provide the story with heart and help to ground Charm as a character by giving her connections to the town. The various characters each add charm and have a role to play in Charm’s sleuthing by giving her support, help, and guidance. The murder mystery is well-written with twists and misleads that keep you engaged in the investigation. The humorous elements really stick out. The dynamic between Charm and the Mountie is charming and makes every scene they share instantly likable. Their banter is funny and has a flirtiness that makes it feel reminiscent of a romantic comedy at times. His character also gives her a rival in the town, threatening to take her role as the one who solves all the problems. A charming and humorous tale, Magic, Mayhem, and Murder weaves a mystery that has plenty of twists, murder, misleads, sleuthing, and magic.