Sketches from a Sunlit Heaven

A Novel

Christian - Historical Fiction
250 Pages
Reviewed on 05/17/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

Sketches From a Sunlit Heaven by Sarah Law revolves primarily around the Martin sisters, Marie, Pauline, Léonie, Céline, and Thérèse, alongside two additional perspectives, including Lucie Guérin. Set in Alençon, Lisieux, and Carmel, the story is about Thérèse's spiritual journey and its intense impact on her family. The sisters face challenges in their personal and spiritual lives, leaning toward themes of duty, sacrifice, illness, and death. Thérèse's spirituality deeply influences all, including Pauline and Céline as they grow in their faith. The alternating points of view explore each sister's personal battles and triumphs, such as Pauline's leadership as Mother Prioress and Léonie's search for belonging. As Thérèse's health declines, the sisters draw strength from each other and her teachings. They confront scrutiny and doubts while preserving Thérèse's legacy, contributing to her eventual canonization and enduring spiritual influence.

Sketches From a Sunlit Heaven by Sarah Law introduced me to a story I knew absolutely nothing about, and the path to sainthood, which is completely foreign to me. It's not that I was averse to learning about it; it's just that a book has never come along that was intriguing enough for me to pick up. That has changed, and Law does a spectacular job of breathing life into a largely overlooked realm. The writing is beautiful with prose that often sings, and subtle use of symbolism, like when Céline takes a photo of the deceased Thérèse and thinks, “—only a photograph of course, not the living display of soul through flesh,” almost in a nod to Law's own work doing all it can to project an image with a soul through flesh being ultimately unattainable. Law is wonderful in the depiction, regardless. The standout to me is seeing what living the cloistered life of a nun is like. Overall, this is a uniquely composed, compassionately portrayed, and elegantly written account of la petite Thérèse, Saint of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face.