Booked to Death

An Author's Guide to Publishing and Murder

Fiction - General
262 Pages
Reviewed on 02/11/2016
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Author Biography

I am a writer and publishing insider; worked for a major trade publisher for 16 years.

My first book, 101 AUTHOR TIPS: Creating A Successful Book Campaign (Life Tips) released June 2009 and was nominated as a finalist in Best Book Awards and USA Book News. I am also credited with the creation of, BOOKSELLING FOR DUMMIES (Wiley), publication endorsed and distributed by The American Booksellers Association.
I brokered the book, Natural Cures for Dummies (Wiley) by Dr. Scott J. Banks.
My newest book, Booked to Death, An Author’s Guide to Publishing and Murder (The Books to Die For), released this 2015 and I am working on the sequel and screenplay.

My writing has appeared, nationally and internationally in magazines, newspapers and online.

If you're an author looking for expert assistance, look no further.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Chris Fischer for Readers' Favorite

In a fun, humorous and engaging read that will have special appeal for readers who hold a secret dream of writing a book some day, Booked to Death: An Author's Guide to Publishing and Murder by author PJ Campbell is a great romp through some desperate attempts to get published. Follow publishing executive MT Evans and shallow, aspiring author Sherry Cherelle as they cook up a plan that they feel will enable them to become famous in the publishing world. But when they try to pull off their plan, it ends up so full of criminal high jinks and misstep after misstep that is seems unlikely they'll gain much except perhaps prison time. Will the duo ever achieve their dreams? And if so, at what cost? You'll have to read the book to find out!

I so, so enjoyed Booked to Death: An Author's Guide to Publishing and Murder. Author PJ Campbell has done a simply fantastic job in creating a fun and fast paced story that will have readers laughing at loud, and at times on the edge of their seats. Many readers who might have thought longingly of becoming a successful published author will also enjoy this story that shows the lengths that these characters are willing to go to do just that. Any reader who loves a fun read or just a great work of fiction should definitely read Booked to Death: An Author's Guide to Publishing and Murder. I highly recommend this book, and look forward to reading more from the talented author PJ Campbell as soon as possible!