Emerald Crystal 5

Emerald Crystal 5

Fiction - Thriller - General
256 Pages
Reviewed on 07/04/2014
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Author Biography

Meet Bill Calhoun, the dynamo behind the scenes and the life of the party on stage! As an international speaker and collaborative leader, Bill's journey has taken him from crafting killer branding strategies for big names like Motorola and Mercedes Benz to directing dazzling stage productions and commercial masterpieces.

With a passport full of stamps and a rolodex bursting with global contacts, Bill's expertise spans continents, from the bustling streets of New York to the vibrant markets of Southeast Asia. He's rubbed elbows with business moguls and wowed audiences from Bangkok to LA.

But Bill's not just about the glitz and glam. He's a master at boosting morale, keeping teams engaged, and turning workplaces into powerhouse performance hubs. Whether he's dazzling crowds at Reebok's Network Fitness Convention or orchestrating the show-stopping Miss World Pageant in Bangkok, Bill's energy is contagious, his passion palpable, and his impact undeniable.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Michelle Stanley for Readers' Favorite

“You are what you eat!” This quote is definitely proven in Bill Calhoun’s novel Emerald Crystal 5. When a friend asks Stone Maddox, former leader of a secret Navy Seal unit for help and suddenly dies, Stone suspects murder. Japanese conglomerate Global Health and Fitness uses a closely guarded ingredient called Emerald Crystal 5 in their nutritional supplements, animal feeds and many food items. Stone’s investigation unveils a deadly cover-up about product ingredients that the manufacturer doesn’t want consumers to know about. It is not an easy assignment as the conglomerate has crooked politicians, policemen, FDA agents and other useful persons on its payroll. Who is trustworthy enough to help him? Stone becomes the target of hired assassins, and regroups his former unit to destroy the powerful conglomerate.

Bill Calhoun made me ponder more seriously about the foods and supplements I purchase. How are the products made? What are they made from? Were these items actually tested by relevant government authorities? Emerald Crystal 5 is a terrific short story which contained good suspense and action. The author developed his characters well, and it was interesting and amusing to see what each one thought of the other. I liked the way Bill Calhoun matched the protagonist and antagonist, as both had military training using different techniques. The writing style of the author was unforced and unpretentious. He was able to express his thoughts on a health issue that many persons are concerned about in a most creative and believable format.