Penelope's Big Dream

Children - Picture Book
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 04/28/2023
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Author Biography

Hi there, my name is Mónica and I’m a children’s author and illustrator.

As an author I want to connect with young readers by writing about everyday concepts they can easily relate to. The illustrations are simple and designed to bring the story to life. Through my books, I strive to share a positive message and ignite their imaginations. Writing children’s books has been an incredible journey and I’m so thankful to do what I love everyday.

I was born and raised in Perú and moved to California at age 24 to continue my studies. Nowadays, I live with my husband, three daughters and our adorable dog “Wolfie" in sunny Texas where I spend my days writing and illustrating children’s books.

If you want to learn more about my books visit

    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

Having a dream for the future is of vital importance. Keeping your vision alive will carry you through the toughest of times. Mónica Vidalón shares the importance of dreams in Penelope’s Big Dream. Penelope knew that with a vision, anything is possible. When we nurture our goals, they grow. Penelope’s dream became so big that other people were bothered by it. She decided to leave her thoughts at home rather than being teased by her friends. Penelope was saddened to find that without nurturing the dream, it began to shrink. Help your children learn the value of having an objective to hold onto. Everyone has a dream, but some people have not found theirs. Spend time reading this book with your child and discussing their aspirations. Having a dream gives your child something to aim for and to create goals to achieve that vision.

Never give up on your hopes. It might seem impossible, but they can motivate you to continue your journey. Mónica Vidalón understands that everyone needs hope. Unfortunately, some people have lost sight of their objectives because of their life circumstances. In Penelope’s Big Dream, children learn how important it is to nurture and develop their visions. At the end of the book, Mónica includes a bonus page for coloring. Sharing your ambitions can be scary since others may not understand it or even believe that it is possible. Remember that everything is possible. Help your child find supportive friends who will encourage them. Help them find someone who believes in them. Keep the dream alive and one day, you will be living your dream.

Spanish For Fun!

This story has a positive message, "Never stop achieving your dreams" , explained in a creative and dynamic way. In addition, creating a motivating and participatory environment with preschool children in discovering what they want to be when they grow up. The storyline of “Penelope’s Big Dream”, was an excellent read to incorporate within our theme planned for the month, "The servants of my community", having some interesting and curious ideas of what they would like to be when they grow up. On the other hand, the illustrations are striking for preschool ages. We highly recommend this book.