Red Mist

Fiction - Thriller - Espionage
336 Pages
Reviewed on 05/17/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Divine Zape for Readers' Favorite

Red Mist by Sam Mitani is a high-octane thriller that plunges readers into a world of espionage, international intrigue, and relentless action. The story follows Max Koga, a former Naval Intelligence officer turned undercover agent, as he navigates a dangerous mission to thwart a terror plot at the Los Angeles Auto Show while rescuing a kidnapped FBI agent, Beth Hu. The introduction of unexpected allies, such as U.S. Navy SEALs, hints at a broader conspiracy, expanding the intrigue in the story. Does Max have what it takes to stop the impending danger and save lives?

Max is a genuinely flawed protagonist with psychological scars. He struggles with his post-service identity, yet he is driven by a need for vengeance and justice. His interactions, from the tense negotiation in a seemingly mundane massage parlor to high-stakes confrontations with North Korean agents, show his resourcefulness and unyielding resolve. His internal struggle between embracing civilian life and his deep-seated military instincts drives the narrative forward. His psyche is brilliantly explored. The plot is tightly woven with intense action scenes and clever twists. Max's systematic approach to problem-solving, whether in a quiet diner or during a violent skirmish, keeps the reader engaged. Beth Hu's character, though she is a captive, is finely written, and readers will enjoy her defiance against her captors. Red Mist by Sam Mitani is a thrilling read, and the cinematic writing, the sparkling dialogues, and the short chapters make it even more enjoyable.