The Forever Game

Life-Saving Technology Can Be Deadly

Fiction - Thriller - Conspiracy
361 Pages
Reviewed on 11/26/2023
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

The Forever Game is a conspiracy thriller by Jeffrey James Higgins. Special Agent Adam Locke quits the DEA and accepts a job in security at Cuttyhunk Island to spend time with Effie, his girlfriend. Effie was diagnosed with cancer and does not have much time left. Adam got the job through his brother, Tommy, at Forever Technologies. Artificial intelligence is supposed to prolong life, according to Forever Technologies, but after a scientist is killed in a fall and Adam's brother is killed in an explosion, Adam starts to suspect that someone is murdering to preserve an invaluable discovery. Adam is fighting to prove that his brother was killed and save his girlfriend using technology before the murderer can take off with the most important scientific discovery in history.

From the opening page of The Forever Game, I was captivated and had to finish reading to the end. Jeffrey James Higgins created a plot that flows well and is cleverly executed. It is a fast-paced and action-packed thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat. The story was filled with unexpected twists and turns, and it was a nail-biting experience. The story is an engaging read, and I never knew what was going to happen next. The book was very hard to put down so I just kept turning the pages. The character development is exceptional and very detailed. They were authentic and realistic people. The story is well-written with an intriguing plot, and the tension builds up to an exciting end that exceeded my expectations by far.