Those Boys on the Hill

Non-Fiction - Memoir
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 05/17/2024
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Author Biography

Elliott Glover is a passionate advocate for change, drawing from his remarkable life experiences to illuminate the often harsh realities of the child welfare system. Raised alongside his brothers in alternative living situations and group homes, he gained unique insights into the challenges faced by those in similar circumstances.

After aging out of the system, Elliott pursued higher education, earning a bachelor's degree in business from Wilmington University—a testament to his determination and resilience. Motivated by his past, he felt compelled to share his family's story with the world, shedding light on the hardships endured by individuals and families within foster and group home systems.

Beyond children navigating these systems, Elliott's narrative extends to the broader impact on communities. He founded the Those Boys on the Hill Foundation, dedicated to supporting those aging out of foster care.

Elliott has been recognized as a 2024 Marquis Who's Who Listee for Child Welfare Advocacy, Elliott's work continues to make a difference. Today, Elliott is an advocate for change while living a quiet life, supporting those in need within the child welfare system.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Lorraine Cobcroft for Readers' Favorite

Elliott Glover grew up in foster care, shuffled from place to place until he was finally sent to a group home managed by an uncaring authoritarian couple pursuing financial gain rather than the emotional rewards of making a positive impact on the lives of disadvantaged children. Those Boys on the Hill is Elliott’s story. Elliott was fortunate not to be separated from the brothers he loved, and their bond strengthened all three of them, enabling them to survive abuse and discrimination. He was also fortunate to encounter some caring folk who offered understanding, compassion, and support. Elliot takes us into his world, showing us the challenges he faced, the traumas he endured, the cruelty and thoughtlessness of some he encountered, and the kindness and wisdom of others who cared and sought to make a positive impact on the lives of the foster kids they were charged with helping. He takes us deep into his heart and mind to expose his most private emotional battles, the impact of painful events and his successes, and the acts of kindness and recognition that helped him through the hardships. Those Boys on the Hill is a moving and inspiring story of survival against the odds, highlighting a flawed system of ’care’ and racial discrimination. It shines a light in a dark corner and calls for positive change.
Elliott Glover holds nothing back in disclosing his family history, his sufferings, and the impact of the events that shaped him. He provides rare insight into a world of poverty, addiction, and racial prejudice, and the world foster children survive. He exposes their emotions and motivations, and the reasons so many of them struggle in adult life. Some of what he discloses may shock but will leave readers considering carefully their past unintentional prejudices and adverse judgments of people whose early experiences shaped them in undesirable ways. Ultimately though, his story will inspire you and give you hope that those who endure adversity in childhood can, and often do, make it through to shape happy, healthy lives for themselves and the families they build. This story is evocative. It’s raw and challenging, intentionally. Elliott is unapologetic in his criticism of the system and his condemnation of those who exploit it and fail children in need. Yet he also reassures us of the strength and resilience that enables survival against the odds, and in some cases - with help and support from the more enlightened workers in the system - facilitates impressive success. Those Boys on the Hill will leave its mark. It will leave you railing against injustice while celebrating kindness and kinship. It might, hopefully, leave you inspired to contribute either financially or by personal involvement to improving the foster care system to bring more love, joy, and hope into the lives of the children our society is failing.