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3 Simple Tips for Writers to Avoid Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Most writers write their books directly on their computers in this digital age. And if you consider that writers aim for a minimum of 1000 words a day, and a typical novel is about 70 000 words, that is a lot of typing! And that is without counting rewrites and editing.

The repetitive typing motion puts pressure on the median nerve in the wrists. The median nerve is located in your arm and runs its whole length through the carpal tunnel in your wrist, ending in the hand. The median nerve controls all your fingers' movement, except the pinky. 

Besides pain, troubling symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome for writers are weakness in the hands and a shock-like feeling in the fingers, making typing a challenge. Since you still have so many books you want to write, you need to find a way to prevent this condition with all the typing you do daily.

1. Lifestyle changes

Once you get into the flow, you can write for hours. But it is vital to take short breaks every 15 minutes to wiggle your fingers, stretch your hands, and move your wrist for increased blood flow. 

It would be best if you worked on relaxing your hands and wrists while typing, resulting in a lighter touch. Invest in an ergonomic keyboard that makes it easy to press down on the keys but not so sensitive that it repeats the letters. The V-shape supports both hands in a more natural angle and helps reduce muscle strain and fatigue. 

Although these keyboards can be expensive, and your typing will slow down initially, it is a worthwhile investment in your writing future. Although, switching before an imminent deadline might not be the best time!

2. Hand and wrist exercises

Get into doing wrist exercises regularly, like at the beginning and end of your writing session. Or use idle time like when you are waiting for an appointment or standing in a queue.

Here are three easy-to-remember exercises you can do anywhere and anytime.

- Put your fingertips against each other and point down to the floor. Spread them apart as far as possible, then move the palms apart, but keep your fingers together.

- A simple exercise is to shake your wrist as you do after washing your hands and have no means available to dry them. Do this hourly for one to two minutes. This exercise prevents the median nerve and flexor muscle from getting cramped. 

- Make a fist and open it, then stretch your fingers apart as far as they can go. 

3. Use correct posture

Remember that poor posture causes you to roll your shoulders forward, shortening your neck and shoulder muscles and worsening wrist problems. Ideally, you should ensure your chair supports all parts of your body to help you maintain proper posture without getting fatigued during long working sessions. When looking for a chair, check that the height is adjustable to ensure your arms are even with the desk's height.

These lifestyle changes, correct posture, and exercises will only cost you time and effort, but getting an ergonomic chair and keyboard, though costly, will prove a good investment in the long run. 

Writers! Which of these simple tips can you implement today to ensure a long, productive, and pain-free writing career? 


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

9 Home Remedies for Carpal Tunnel Relief

Exercises for Treating Carpal Tunnel

9 Things You Can Do to Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Choosing the Right Ergonomic Office Chair

Ergonomic keyboard

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Susan van der Walt