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With the world becoming increasingly technological, everyone turns to the internet for practically everything. Even authors looking to market their newest book will turn to social media or marketing agencies for help. Don’t misunderstand this for meaning that making good use of the internet is a bad thing because it definitely is not. Marketing a book online is a very difficult portion of writing that is time-consuming and can sometimes become very expensive.

What are authors supposed to do when they have tapped all available online resources that they can afford? Believe it or not, there are several other ways to market a book right in our own community without having to look at a computer screen to find it or spend a ton of money that we don’t readily have.

In most communities, there is usually at least one library where an author can speak with a librarian or owner of the establishment about getting their book on their shelves. Not all libraries operate at the community level; there are some that have to go through specific channels to find their books. Don’t be discouraged if they can’t accept books through your publishing company or from the author; keep trying with some of the other resources available to you in your area.

Your local book store is another good place to look. Just like with a local library and their chains of acquiring books, some book stores operate under much of the same rules. Not all of them have specific regulations so it is a good place to get started but once again, there are still plenty more options.

Some grocery stores and dollar stores will allow you to set up a table in front of their building to sign and sell your books. The only catch with this idea is that you have to actually purchase a number of books and either give them away or sell them to at least break even. If you have the time and the money, you could try this form of self-marketing. At the very least it will get your name out as a local author in your community and that is obviously not a bad way to do it.

Yet another good way to get your books out into your local community is by talking to the owner of a thrift store, Goodwill store or even the Salvation Army. Sometimes these guys require that you purchase your own books and donate them so the store can sell them at discounted prices. However, it still gets your name out into the community as a local author. With this route of exposure, you serve a higher purpose with your work by getting your books into the hands of people who cannot afford to buy a device for eBooks or shop online for physical books.

It goes without saying that there are plenty of ways to get your books advertised on the internet, some are expensive while others are not. Don’t forget though, your local community can be utilized as a ‘word of mouth’ type advertising too because if people around your town like your work, they will tell their family and friends and so on. Either way you choose to advertise is up to you but remember to check the guidelines of local establishments just as you would read the fine print on a website.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Amy Raines