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Five Golden Twitter Rules that Authors Should Follow

Twitter, as a social media network, is one of the most powerful platforms where you can promote your works and improve your author brand. It offers a variety of tools that can help you find fresh ideas and communicate with your readers and fellow authors.

In order to use this social media tool to its full potential, you have to be engaging. It’s not enough that you post some random ramblings about your life. You need to find interesting things that will strike the fancy of your followers. This article will teach you five golden twitter rules that every writer should learn and follow.

1. Say thanks

Whenever other people post something about your works, they make your name become more popular. Spend some time appreciating what they have done and send them thank you notes. This little action will help deepen your connection with your followers.

2. Tweet something that you’re knowledgeable about

Do you have extensive knowledge about a particular topic? Then don’t be shy to tweet about it. Whether you know the various species of grass or you are an expert at taking care of camels, it does not matter. Because if you have a genuine desire to show everyone how amazing the Bermuda grass is, the world will appreciate and become interested in the knowledge that you just shared.

3. Engage in conversations

Twitter is a social media network, not a platform for you to monologue in 140 characters. Ask questions. Propose or challenge new ideas. Get involved in intelligent, literary debates.

You don’t always have to initiate a discussion. Sometimes, the fun on Twitter begins when you reply to other posts. If you do this often and in the proper context, you will feel less lonely and find yourself surrounded with fun and interesting people.

4. Don’t tweet only about writing

A neophyte writer’s common mistake is that they confuse the writing community with their target audiences. If you want your readers to really “follow” you, then you have to post things that interest them. Unless they are into writing, posting some rant about how you are still stuck in finishing chapter 5 will never gain any retweets.

Study your target audience. What are the things that they usually post? Which of your posts gained the most likes and retweets? If you can answer these questions, you can find other things that will surely interest them.

5. 80/20 Rule

Any social media platform has this type of rule. The 80/20 rule states that 80 percent of what you post should be talking about other people while only 20 percent should be spent on your personal ramblings. Sharing the works of your fellow authors and followers will make them feel that you appreciate their skills. This builds stronger connections and generates more loyal followers.

Final Thoughts

Using Twitter is not that hard. All you have to do is engage with your followers and post anything that will interest them. This social media network has a vast and almost infinite space filled with numerous interesting topics and people. If you know how and where to look, you’ll be able develop your craft better.