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Five Reasons why Twitter is an Effective Tool for Book Promotion

In the age of social media, many authors these days are using Twitter as a launch pad to their success. This social media tool offers a number of networking features that help authors promote their work in an easy and cost-efficient manner. In this post, you will learn more about this social media tool and how it can greatly benefit your writing endeavors.

1. Engage with your readers easily

Through Twitter, you can communicate with your fans and readers, even though you are far from each other. Your followers can directly ask you questions about your latest book and you can also answer them immediately. When they post a review about your work, you can immediately reply and say your thanks.

The good thing about this interaction is that it can be seen by other people. Your answers to their inquiries can be viewed or shared in public, allowing your work to be promoted faster.

2. Easier to share other media

Aside from sharing words, you can also post other types of media such as videos or images. Use this nifty feature to your advantage by sharing your book trailers, images of your manuscript, or videos of your book signing event. Most people are visual beings, meaning they enjoy seeing pictures or watching videos. You can easily gain a lot of popularity if you learn to share other types of media with your fans.

3. Hashtags can generate bigger buzz

A “hashtag” is a device on Twitter that marks keywords and topics in the user’s tweets. Using hashtags will make it easier for other people searching for your new book online. This is extremely effective if your book has a short title because it is easier to tweet.

4. Cost-efficient method of promotion

Thanks to social media, you do not need to spend huge amounts of money just to create buzz. If you know how to post content that your followers will love, they will surely share and retweet it on their social media pages. In addition, it can even spread on other social media websites like Facebook or Google+. Study the social media trends and habits of your followers to determine what they like and dislike.

5. Fellow authors can even promote it

When it comes to promoting your book on Twitter, you do not need to do the marketing activity on your own. Usually, authors will share their views and opinions about a particular book if they find it fascinating, or if they are friends with the author. This is a free marketing stunt, but it is highly effective, especially if they have a legion of followers. Expand your connections on Twitter so that you can befriend other authors online.

Final Thoughts

These days, it is possible to promote your book without spending a lot of money on marketing. With Twitter and other social media pages, you can share details about your new work and connect with your fans easily. Be creative with your posts and expand your connections to make the best out of this nifty social media tool.