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On Keeping A Notebook

As I am old school, I think having a physical notebook for writing to be the best at keeping notes. Sure, there are bells and whistles online but are too complicated. I find buying notebooks at the local dollar store to be better than a zillion-dollar app. Personally, I like legal pads. I find legal pads more helpful at organizing my thoughts. You might like loose-leaf paper and a binder. You might like college-ruled or wide-ruled notebooks. Choose what works for you.

Many years ago, I bought notebooks and distributed them to people, asking them to write down their thoughts. I never got the notebooks back. However, this method just might work for you in getting objective ideas. Make sure though that you get your notebooks back!

Write things down wherever you go. Yes, take your notebook with you wherever for lists and ideas. Take your notebook to bed with you. Have you ever gotten up with a super idea, thinking you’d remember it by morning only to forget? No more forgetting that ah-ha moment.

Search Pinterest for writing prompts. Easy enough, right? Think of what you are grateful for. Heck, write down a grocery list and challenge yourself to be healthier on a budget. Clip magazine articles and paste into the notebook. Write about your favorite book. Write about what you are good at. Where you would ever like to travel. Write about family traditions. Write about what your dream job is. 

Attempt a routine at writing in your notebook. Early person?  Afternoon? Evening? Night? Make yourself something like office hours. Shut your door. Turn on some white noise. Don’t be distracted.

Are you a coffee drinker?  Keep a notebook next to the coffee maker. Every time you grab a cup, write something down. Are you a SAHM or SAHD? Keep a notebook with you while the kids have rest time. If you are an anxious writer, keeping a notebook could possibly be calming.

Furthermore, I like to jot down the opening and closing and fill in the body last. The body would be the meat and potatoes. But, that’s my method.

We are often told to read as much as we can to stimulate our minds. At a standstill with your notebook? Read! 

Many writers doodle for visualization. Personally, I find that tip a little too hard to do although it seems so easy to many.  

Why not color in your notebook? Use color gel pens, highlighters, etc. Make it your own. Make them stand out to you and organize the notebooks in a command area where you can grab and go without hesitation. Also, maybe buy yourself a backpack for easy carrying. This following tip may seem to be silly, but do not forget a few pens! 

If all else fails, that high school English class instruction from years ago on brainstorming is going to come in handy. However, to keep such a notebook, one really does not need an extravagant education. 

Write on!

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Leiann Lynn Rose Spontaneo