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Rules of Writing Romance That Every Author Should Know

Romance is one of the most diverse genres and countless readers look for romance in almost every novel they read. Now that more authors are choosing self-publishing over publication houses, new romance authors are coming on to the scene and trying their mettle in the market. While their endeavors are valiant, many authors are unable to hit the mark and make a name for themselves. Although they seem to have followed everything to the “t,” there is always something missing that makes them lack the impact that they wished to have.

The road to writing the perfect romance is tough, but if you keep the below-mentioned points in mind, you can write a romance that grabs the attention of readers and make them a recurring party to your storytelling gig!

Choosing the Happily Ever After Trope

While happily ever after is the perfect trope for authors to aim for, it is not suitable for every storyline. This is perhaps one of the most frequently used tropes in the genre and authors tend to liberally use it in their stories. While there is nothing wrong with having a HEA ending, its frequent use has made people believe that romance is a predictable genre. Sometimes a hopeful ending or even a positive ending can be a wondrous way to add substance to the story and make it even more interesting for your readers, especially if you plan on writing more than one novel with the same characters.

Respect Your Readers

Meeting the expectations of your reader is one thing, but showing your reader that you care about their reading expectations is another. Your readers are investing their time and money in your books and they want to read something that they enjoy best. You need to perfect the narrative, make it the best it can be and ensure that there aren’t any loose ends in your story. Hire an editor or a proofreader to finesse the story, take help from a beta reader to get a reader’s perspective of your story and overall make sure that your story is in A+ quality before it reaches your readers.

Build Your Brand

The novel you share with your readers is going to help you in building your brand. Many authors choose to have a pen name rather than use their personal name because they want to build a brand. By building your brand identity, you are actually promising readers that your works are worth spending their money on. Your brand is your narrative style; your world-building, your quality of writing; unique characters, quirky dialogues and anything that you want to name yours. You will be recognized for that one particular thing and that will become your brand in the romance community.

Romance is a very vast genre, one that can encompass countless works of fiction by countless authors. The golden rule of writing romance is to respect your fellow authors and respect the diversity that you see in the market. You can get inspiration from anywhere and from anything, so take hold of that and bring something new and unique to the market. Help each other out and excel!

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Rabia Tanveer