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Why Positive Thinking is Vital to Writers

As I read various articles on the fundamentals of writing, I sometimes wonder how a person can actually feel confident enough to take the first step and put pen to paper. How can they change their mindset enough to believe in their abilities? So, I decided to delve into positive thinking as a habit and find out if there is any science to back it up. I found some really interesting studies carried out by well-respected researchers on how positive thinking can improve our health and overall happiness, as well as some great actions we can take to live a more positive life. I feel if you have a more positive outlook, you are more likely to take the first steps to a writing career.

So, what are the befits in having a positive outlook?

The first thing I found is how thinking negatively affects us. Thinking negative thoughts not only narrows our expectations and focus but also is the surest way to switch our minds off to the bigger picture. If you think negatively, you will not be open-minded enough to spot opportunities and new ideas when they present themselves to you. We have all heard of the fight or flight theory, where the brain is designed to keep us safe and therefore will do everything it can to protect you. But we no longer live in a society where there are life or death dangers around every corner. Doing anything new is frightening, but listening to your brain and not taking action when new opportunities arise is far from beneficial to your life journey.

One important thing about negative thinking is that our brains cannot process words that are negative, according to the latest research. For example, when we hear a phrase like “don’t smoke” or “don’t eat on the premises,” our subconscious ignores the negative words and simply hears “smoke” or “eat.” Our conscious mind can obviously process these words, but it’s the subconscious part of the brain that usually overrides the conscious part, and we are often unaware of this.

Positive thinking will vastly improve your outlook on what the future holds for you, and this, in turn, improves your sense of well-being. A study at the University of North Carolina also showed that feeling positive is more likely to encourage people to plan ahead and set goals they wish to achieve. Negative emotions, on the other hand, will give you a sense of foreboding for the future and not feel like making any significant changes to your life or to set goals.

If you find yourself in a negative environment, the first thing you have to do is change this. Begin to build a circle of friends that share the same interests as you, or have similar life goals. If you surround yourself with positive people, they will always be there to support you, and not complain because you 'have changed'. Read positive thinking books or articles to keep that motivation going. Be accountable to yourself and learn to recognize those negative thoughts when they arise. If you find yourself constantly thinking negative thoughts, make sure you acknowledge them and let them pass freely. In time, they will become less frequent and be replaced with positive thoughts. Fill your home and office with positive quotes that you can refer to throughout the day.

Make minute goals each day that are attainable. For example, set a goal that you will give everyone you meet that day a small compliment or for one morning you will not speak negatively of anyone you meet. Start small and the habit will build momentum and the positivity will last longer each day. 

Noticing the positive things that happen in your everyday life, no matter how small, has been proven to be a successful method of increasing your positive thinking too. Learn to practice gratitude for all the things you have in your life. Again, start small and begin to create a habit of feeling gratitude. Begin a journal and each day write down three things you are grateful for; this is such an effective way to build the habit of gratitude. 

Finally, thinking positive about yourself and the abilities you possess is the one way you can set your dream of becoming a writer in motion. Believe in yourself and allow everyone the pleasure of reading your first novel.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Lesley Jones