Autobioscenes & Necrographies

Some Personal Experiences of Life and Death

Non-Fiction - Autobiography
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 05/31/2020
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Author Biography

About the Author

Norman Weeks is an autobiographical and experiential writer.

An Autobiographical Letter is the straight-through narrative of a half-century of the author’s life, relating the experiences that fed into the writings. This companion volume, Autobioscenes & Necrographies extracts and expands some episodes from that life. The first book is the panorama, the second some snapshots.

Also derived from personal experiences are several books of travel narratives: Nature Norm’s North Woods, excursions into the natural world of the Minnesota-Canada borderland. Tropical Ecstasy, a nostalgia trip back to Brazil, where the author had served two years as a Peace Corps Volunteer. And Two Weeks in Eternal Egypt, as a member of a tour group exploring the antiquity and sociology of that country.

Throughout those and other writings, Norman Weeks expresses a cosmopolitan appreciation of our world and the wide range of experiences possible in one human life.

The above titles are available at as both Kindle eBooks and paperbacks.

Autobioscenes & Necrographies has earned a 5-star review rating from Readers’ Favorite.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Autobioscenes & Necrographies: Some Personal Experiences of Life and Death is a work of non-fiction in the autobiographical and memoir writing sub-genres, and was penned by author Norman Weeks. As the title may suggest from the new word coinage by its author, we explore scenes of autobiography in sequence rather than a full narrative of every moment of life. Rather than exploring biographies, we also examine the death stories or ‘necrographies’ of people whom the author has known over time. Between these different scenes, contrasts and similarities develop over the human experience, and we recount a very interesting life indeed.

Through more than 60 short narratives that make up the overall tale, we have an intriguing picture of a very well-traveled man who has experienced all types of cultures, people, and ways of being during his lifetime. Author Norman Weeks takes a truly unique angle on the autobiography, editing together a cinematographic chain of words that transport us from one mood to the next. A feature I was particularly impressed by was the characterization of others, to which Weeks adds novelistic flair in order to bring the people to life as he knew them and display their fully rounded personas for us. The presentation of speech and thought is distinct, with a capable and confident storytelling voice which is sure to keep you as captivated as the stories themselves. Overall, I would certainly recommend Autobioscenes & Necrographies: Some Personal Experiences of Life and Death as a high quality and truly unique work of autobiography.