Town of Angels

Mystic Bay Series

Fiction - Fantasy - General
168 Pages
Reviewed on 05/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Essien Asian for Readers' Favorite

The townspeople of Mystic Bay have become famous for the frequency with which they discover angel sightings based on unbelievable activities that take place there. They might be partially accurate. Ken Leighton is one of seven angels who live there covertly, assuming human forms and keeping watch over their charges. Ken and his associates have experienced numerous near-misses in which residents of the picture-perfect neighborhood manage to piece together the clues regarding their true identities; however, destiny has mercifully intervened to keep them hidden. Ken realizes he needs to proceed carefully to avoid catastrophe when Klaus Waxman arrives in the town with a grudge against the locals, but he has no idea what fate has in store for him in Jody Sharpe's Town of Angels.

The most recent book in Jody Sharpe's Mystic Bay series revolves around forgiveness. Town of Angels shares a cast of characters with the other novels in the series and the narrative maintains continuity between this one and the previous books. Sharpe's storytelling style flows, allowing readers to enjoy this novel as a stand-alone. The character development is sound. Sharpe explains each character's motivations and origins through in-depth, conversational stories. The plausible presentation of the concept of real angels walking among humans and performing miracles while hiding in plain sight will arouse readers' curiosity. The conversations are realistic, with a subtle reference to the biblical expectation of the winged helpers. For example, how Ken skillfully answers sensitive questions without revealing anything or appearing to lie. Town of Angels is an exciting novel that would appeal to readers with an interest in the supernatural.