Love's Guest

Reflections of Inspiration and Wonder

Non-Fiction - Religion/Philosophy
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 09/04/2023
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

Love’s Guest: Reflections of Inspiration and Wonder is inspired by the words of Saint Catherine of Genoa. Marc Aronoff details the saint’s origins, discussing her attempt to enter a convent at thirteen, her arranged marriage at sixteen, and her husband's infidelities. The author describes the moment Saint Catherine’s life changed, and she fully embraced God’s love. People’s lives were altered through her example and selfless devotion to ministering to the sick and poor. Aronoff reviews writings credited to Saint Catherine and provides questions for reflection. Readers are encouraged to participate in a guided meditation that they may adjust based on their needs.

Psychotherapist Marc Aronoff reveals the beauty of Saint Catherine of Genoa’s words to his readers and shares ways we can experience God’s love in modern times. With inspired artwork by an ordained minister, Jan Richardson, the book appeals to every sense through images and text. The lines were adjusted to promote understanding and provide relatable examples that appeal to everyone. Saint Catherine didn’t formally study Catholic theology, but her writings are powerful enough to touch the heart and revive a stagnant soul. Many times, theology books will be full of superfluous words, but Aronoff’s text is concise and easy to read. The author invites readers to absorb Saint Catherine’s words with an open mind and seek the possibility of a deeper connection with God through meditation, reflection, and prayer. Love’s Guest is a great selection for anyone interested in Saint Catherine’s history and writings and who is hoping to be inspired by her insights.