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3 Simple Reasons Why Writers Should Write by Hand

With technology now readily available for most people, you would reckon many writers will write directly on their computers. But as a book blogger, I occasionally come across writers who proclaim that they still write their novels by hand. Although you may think this is an archaic process, is there any value in writing by hand?

Attaining flow

Writing by hand is still the best way to attain that magical flow - where the whole world fades away, and you immerse yourself entirely with all your senses. Smelling the paper and ink, feeling the muscles in your hand while you write, seeing every letter you form, and noticing how you transform a blank page into words, sentences, and paragraphs. Since writing by hand stimulates the brain in the same way as meditation, it is a great way to be creative. You become more mindful of what you write, leading to flow, where the pen takes on a life of its own...

Improved brain activity

The repeating motion of writing by hand stimulates the parts of the brain that control thinking, language, healing, and working memory. It is a fact that social media use shortens attention spans. When you write by hand, it helps you to focus and thus makes you more productive. Research has found that children who write by hand produce more words and express more ideas. It is logical to assume that adult writers will experience the same benefit. The implication is that they will have more ideas about characters, plot, and setting to use in their novels. Since writing by hand stimulates memory, writers will remember previous content better. It helps them continue storylines more effectively and prevents mistakes in the plot. Your editor will thank you!

Stress relief and euphoria

Dr. Ronald T Kellogs believes that writing is a basic human need since, as social beings, humans are compelled to communicate - not only orally but also through symbolic forms like writing. It is a way to make sense of our feelings and experiences, and this 'drive to write' is critical for our survival. When we record our learning, it is available for future generations, improving their chances of survival. Like a marathon runner, the feeling of euphoria writers experience when completing a project drives them to keep on writing - regardless of how challenging this process may be. 

Writers often stress about the progress of their novels, looming deadlines, and when they are facing their worst nightmare - writers' block! Free-flow writing help to relieve stress by tapping into the power of the subconscious. It helps you unload all the thoughts and feelings floating around in your mind onto paper, and sometimes this raw and messy material can become a critical part of your current book. Even if you don't write your novel by hand, writers can still experience the benefits of writing by hand if they make time to practice it every day. With regular free-flow writing exercises, you will tap into the power of your subconscious and unleash your hidden creativity. Writers, are you ready to experience the benefits of writing by hand today?


Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Susan van der Walt

Gert Botha

Very insightful. Well written article, thanks!

Stephanie Chapman

I write my reviews manually and find that they are better quality than typing them in a word document first.