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5 Effective Author Promotional Tips on How to Create a Book Promo

More and more writers are breaking the tradition of seeking commercial publication for their books and striking out on their own by self-publication. If you are one of these writers, getting your book noticed could be a very daunting task without the connections and resources of a publishing house at your disposal.

Fortunately, there are now many ways for authors to effectively promote their self-published books. Here are 5 effective author promotional tips on how to create a book promo:

Make sure your book is good 

First determine that what you offer is a good product before embarking on a grand scheme to promote it. Know in advance if your book is worth publishing by doing the following:

Review your work and fix anything that is wrong.

Have friends and family members read it and get honest and constructive critiques.

Have reputable book reviewers read your book such as your literature professor, a colleague or a local book publisher.

Ensure a quality presentation by hiring a good book designer.

Make sure the selling price is reasonable enough.

Market your book online

Having an online presence is one of the surefire ways to succeed. Here's what you can do:

Find or set up a site that allows online customers to purchase your book. Offer payment options such as PayPal or Google Checkout.

Sell book copies on reputable online auction sites, making sure to include well written descriptions of your book.

Seek help from bloggers in promoting your book or by writing an online review.

Use social media such as Facebook and Twitter by setting up a page solely for your book and then generate and maintain a loyal fan base.

Seek the help of local media and journalists. Write to them or arrange a meeting and explain that you are a local author with a book coming out. Also contact local community bulletins and newsletters to help you spread the word about your book.

Use your network of friends

Give copies of your books to friends and have them spread the news by word-of-mouth. Have them take the book with them to various events and functions where it would be proper to promote or sell your book. Don’t pressure them though if they aren’t willing. Just look for friends who would go out of their way to help you advertise your book. Make things easier for them by providing press release copies, driving them to places and even providing some allowances etc.

Get a local market stall

This is one of the most direct and promising ways to sell your self-published book. Here’s what you can do:

Form a group with other self-published authors in your community to make your stall even more inviting.

This is an opportunity to sell all your self-published books.

Create a good window display and schedule promotional events such as press releases and book signings to draw in customers.