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5  Steps to Publishing with a Hybrid Publisher

Hybrid publishing is a combination of self-publishing and traditional publishing, the modern way of publishing that gives the author a real hands-on experience of publishing with the guidance and assistance of a traditional publisher. It isn’t that much different from doing it all yourself so take a look at the 5 steps needed to publish your book with a hybrid publisher.

Understand Your Reasons For Writing a Book

There are authors who take a completed manuscript to a hybrid publisher and others who have only a small idea of what they want to write. If you want to publish, you need to understand why you want to do it. Work out your motivation, the driving factors and whether those factors are enough to keep you writing to the very end.

Decide What You Have to Offer an Audience

Your audience is not going to find you; you must find them. You must work out what your talents are, your connections, networks and strongest suits, basically anything that can help to find the right audience. Think about your daily life, you may have certain connections and networks there. Ask yourself this – what can you do to give people the reason they need to find and read your book? Of course, with a hybrid publisher, you do get some help with this as you have a team that’s behind you all the way.

Choose the Right Hybrid Publisher

Not all publishers are the same; they publish different types of book, they work with different markets, they have different selection and submission processes, they differ in how much hands-on help they offer, marketing, and so on. You need to choose a hybrid publisher that suits you and your book, one that can provide whatever is needed to help you make your book the success you want it to be.

Ask Your Publisher for Help

That is the idea of hybrid publishing so get your publisher in on helping you, guiding you on what needs to be done to bring your book together. You could have strategy meetings, editing sessions, anything that will move your book forward to the last stage, at which point, your publisher will put your book into production.

Market Your Book

But, again, get your publisher involved. They have more experience at marketing than you may do so they are the ones who will help you to draw up a marketing plan that is workable, a plan that can be achieved and that will put your book right where you want it. Your plan will be based on your connections and networks, on your strengths and those of your publisher, and then it must be executed consistently. The only way to ensure the success of a book is to market it regularly and market it well.

Hybrid publishing is not difficult; the only two differences between that and self-publishing are that one, you have the help of a publishing team and two, it will cost you a bit more than self-publishing. The cost is well worth it though, because successful publishing isn’t easy, not when you go it alone.


Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Anne-Marie Reynolds