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6 Ways Authors Can Use Facebook To Promote Their Books

Most people who have accounts on Facebook rarely make full use of their profiles, even when they want to gain more visibility. Little do they know that there are many things they can do on Facebook to promote their books. The following are some ways that Facebook users can get more attention on the website.

Maximize your promotional opportunities: There are several ways that Facebook allows you to promote your items. For instance, under your profile photo is a place where you can write an accurate description of your job. You can include your books there to get some free publicity for your works.

Under your personal information, there is an ‘about me’ box and you can use this to describe yourself and what you do. You can add many web addresses on the contact information section of your profile. In this section you should include links to your author website, blog, and other websites where people can find you or your work. You should also make an album for your book covers and choose a cover to be displayed on your profile page. You should register your account under your own name; otherwise your account might be cancelled.

Pages are like personal profiles for business use: One of the most useful features of Facebook is pages. You are free to create Facebook pages for your business, book, or even a character of your novel. You should create a page for your book and make sure that it attracts people to join the page. For instance, you can give free coupons or discounts for your books when people become fans on your page. You can also turn your page into an information hub that provides people with resources and links for your works. You can also customize your page by using applications such as Static HTML. You can customize graphics, videos, text, and you can go as far as adding opt-in forms for your mailing lists.

Groups are for networking: Facebook groups enable you to connect with people who share the same interests as you. When you join a group that has your potential readers, you should make sure that you contribute frequently in discussions to become more visible. When you become a well-known member of the group, you can start telling people about your books and other works. Post pictures of your book covers and other things that will spark people’s interest in your works.

Participate in events: One of the best ways to increase your visibility on Facebook is to participate in relevant events. You can post relevant photos, videos, and links to your works at these events. You can also host your own event which you can use to spread the word about your books.

Advertise on Facebook: Facebook can display pay-per-click advertisements on most pages. You can advertise your book and target your audience based on gender, age, location, relationship status, education level, and even keywords in people’s profiles.

Use the Facebook Marketplace: This is an area of Facebook that is reserved for Classified ads. If your book is on a topic that people can search for, you should post your ad on the Marketplace and test if you can sell books from there.