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Are Indie Authors the New Generation?

Today, the online world is filled with indie writers and the like. There is a slight rise in the indie eBook author category and most of them can now be seen in various trading and publishing sites. So, are indie authors the new generation in the literary world and will there be a large change in publishing by 2020? One group of readers says that they believe indie writers will have a large impact in the literary community. They pointed out that the indie writer community will create great stories and various publications which will eventually become movies and sitcoms.

On the other side, there are also those who think that the book market is still based on traditional writing and the indie optimists are mistaken. So, are indie authors the new generation? In order to find out the answer to the question we need to look at percentages. The first thing that we need to measure is the percentage of the book market sales of eBooks over the percentage of the overall traded books represented by our indie authors. We will also need the percentage of overall books produced by traditional publishers. According to recent research done by prestigious publishing houses, over 30% of US trade book markets have increased for indie authors. Before, only 15% of the eBook market was based on writing by indie authors. However, there was a sudden increase of 4.5% in US trade of indie eBooks as of 2013.

In the near future, there will be another increase of sales for indie based books since more and more writers are entering the eBook world. So, are indie authors the new generation? Well, there are many reasons as to why this is an absolute possibility. One of these is that the printing of traditional books will continue to decline as more readers prefer digital reading over reading hard copies. There is also an increase with the transition of books to movies which is why there is the sudden low cost and high selection of eBooks.

Along with a decrease in publications, there will also be an increase in closures of bookshops. The closures of bookshops will also boost the need for eBook publication. Since there is the reduction of publications, the value of publishers will also decline and more indie authors will learn how to publish books like professionals. Print distribution will surely decline and writers will be required to explore the indie realm.

Once new writers learn how to publish their books like professionals, there will be more and more eBooks available in the market. The number of self-published books will also increase exponentially and readers will enjoy this new growth. Eventually, veteran indie writers will lead the next generation of authors and more writers will be entering the game. Self publishing will become easy and the next generation will certainly be composed exclusively of indie writers. So, are indie authors the new generation? According to the research, yes.