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Five Big Mistakes Indie Authors Are Making

There are many talented authors out there, but unfortunately there are not enough book deals to go around for everyone. Some authors therefore have to self-publish their own books if they don’t want them to become frequent reminders of their failed attempts to publish. Sometimes self-publishing can be enjoyable and profitable. In fact some authors never try to get their books published by traditional publishers. However, there are some mistakes that indie authors should avoid at all costs.

Publishing too early

Self-publishing is very easy and it is not unusual to find authors who are in so much of a rush to publish their books that they do it prematurely. Even if you got straight A's in English, it is not enough for you to think you can write a 50,000+ word book. It also doesn’t exempt you from reading novels, craft books, etc. to improve your writing skills. Although self-publishing has now made it easier to get your books out there, you have to take time to master the art of writing great books.

Failing to understand the business of self-publication

Self-publishing can be easy but an author has to become an entrepreneur to make it work. He has to prepare to run a small business because he must play other roles than a writer if he decides to self-publish. An author has to spend money on proper editing, formatting, and cover design.

All the financial risk in traditional publishing is borne by publishers. However, if a person decides to self-publish, he must also be willing to bear the cost. When a person decides to self-publish, he should consider starting a company. This will also increase his responsibilities. For example, he has to set up accounting procedures and make sure that he deals with all taxes accordingly.

Believing that readers will come if the book is finished

A surprising number of authors believe that self-publishing is an easy road to success. However, it takes a lot of work especially if an author is just getting into the self-publishing business. Authors who have already succeeded in self-publishing can easily sell their new books, but the rest have to be prepared to do a lot of work. Marketing and publicity are two of the main things that newly self-published authors must take seriously if they are to get their names and books recognized.

In order to get people to pause and have a look at the self-published book you recently released, you must be prepared to work like a mule. Use all the available marketing channels to make sure that your voice reaches all members of your target market.

Misusing free giveaways

There are very few reasons why an author should be giving books away free of charge. Unless giving free books serves a strategic purpose, it shouldn’t be done. There are many ways for an author to take advantage of free giveaways and it is his business to know and use them properly.

Shopping a single book to death

You might be selling a self-published book and it might be doing well. However, you should know when the book has reached its end of life. Eventually the sales of every good book must start declining. The only remedy to keep your sales up is to write another book.