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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

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Five Ways Social Media Improves Author Following

Social media networks are tailor-made for one thing – to interact with various people even though they are far away from you. Websites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+ all have special tools and features enabling aspiring authors to search for potential readers and fellow writers to increase their following. This article will enumerate the most useful elements of social media to help increase your online presence.

1. Hashtags improve online visibility. Hashtags (#) are social media tools that you can use to search for topics and other people. Whenever you compose a social media update, add hashtags to summarize the topic you are talking about. That way, it will be easier for folks to find you.

These days, Twitter is not the only website that uses this nifty search tool. Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram are also geared with it.

Keep in mind that two or three hashtags per post is sufficient to make you visible. Too much of this tool in one post would be overkill and you would look like a desperate salesman.

2. Allows creative interactions with readers. Another benefit of using social media is that authors can use creative ways to interact with their readers. Aside from replying to direct messages or liking a follower’s post, you can also host challenges to keep them interested and active. Most followers enjoy activities like Twitter Contests, Twitter Parties, and fan fiction or fan art competitions. This is useful when you need to promote an upcoming book signing event or a book tour.

3. Better understand your target market. Social media networks provide you with solid statistics that will help you learn more about your readers. This can be seen by the number of likes and shares of your posts online. Comments, on the other hand, give some idea of what they think about your work and the things you need to improve on. If you have a greater understanding of your target audience, you can tailor your posts based on their needs and interests.

4. Helps followers learn more about you. Most readers become more loyal to their favorite authors if they learn more about their personal side. Do not be afraid to express your opinions and share little slices of your life with your followers. It will make you appear more approachable if you do.

5. Provides valuable connections. Even though you do not personally know your favorite authors, you still have the opportunity to learn more about them. As a writer, it is important that you also follow and like the pages of your fellow wordsmiths. Their observations, opinions, and posts can broaden your knowledge and imagination. Moreover, you can also connect with their followers to improve your online presence.

To wrap things up

Thanks to social media networks’ efficient tools and features, authors now have new ways to connect with their peers and readers. However, it is still takes a tech-savvy user to exploit these websites to their full potential. Make sure to interact with your followers frequently and share interesting information so that they will enjoy viewing your online profile.