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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

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How Successful Authors Use Social Media

Social media is one of the most commonly used terms these days. It is made up of the Internet, where interaction happens, and the people who use it. Before, it was mainly used to connect and interact with family, friends and colleagues who live in distant locations. But now, it is used to exchange important news, to voice opinions and to market products.

Authors benefit the most from social media platforms; their books receive free advertising and reach a worldwide market. So, how do successful writers use networking sites to their advantage?

Below are examples of how authors benefit from the use of social media:

Use it as a form of communication.

Authors make use of Twitter and Facebook to relate to their readers and followers. They mainly use their accounts not to advertise, but to connect with their audience. Authors engage their audience with interactive questions and posts, wherein the audience willingly responds.

It also gives authors the opportunity to share their personal life. It isn’t all about selling their books. Instead, they show their audiences that they are experts in the topics they write about.

Social media as a low-cost marketing strategy.

Successful authors know how to effectively use their online presence as a marketing tool. They take the time to plan their approach and how they intend to use it to reach a broader audience. They create accounts in different social networking sites to create a buzz for their books and their writing profession.

Authors use Facebook and Twitter to keep their readers updated. They share information, updates and release dates on their accounts to keep their followers interested and waiting.

Use it to sell their books.

Authors are not only after the exposure they get online, but their main goal is to persuade their audience to purchase their books.

Successful authors promote their books in subtle way. They know that if they flood their audience with posts such as “buy my book,” their audience will do the opposite. Instead, they make use of posts like, “20 ways to save your first million. More tips at – insert title of book.” They present their ads in a form that will intrigue people and answer their needs.

They update their accounts regularly.

Authors know how to keep their followers interested in reading their posts by constantly updating their accounts. They post and share information almost every day or around four times a week. They provide interesting material on a regular basis, to let their audience know they are active on their social media accounts.

These are just some of the ways in which authors use social media to their advantage. When using these networking sites, remember not to overdo it. Your online audience hates it when they are flooded with useless information. Keep your posts informative. You can also make it interactive by posting questions that your audience can answer. You can even be extra generous by raffling a free copy of your book to your loyal readers.