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How To Put Your Best Foot Forward As An Author In Social Media

As long as you have a strong sense of identity, have a purpose and a mission, you have nothing to worry about when on social media. There are several things that you should and should not do in social media and we shall focus on some of them.

Be yourself: As an author, you should know that your behavior reflects on your work and the brand you have worked so hard to create. You should also know that there is no need to pretend to be superior to other people. In social media everybody has an equal say. The playing field is level so you don’t have to worry about proving yourself to get into the exclusive club – it doesn’t exist.

Be positive: Even if you are desperate to sell your books or if you are actually starving, don’t show vulnerability to anybody. The first step to getting out of such situations is to start thinking positively. Focus your energies on improving yourself and the success you yearn for will come naturally. You should always keep an air of positivity around you and by doing this you will attract like-minded people and situations.

Be magnetic: Take every opportunity to connect with people whether you are online or offline. Instead of focusing on targeting the ‘masses’ on social media and spreading yourself thin, make an effort to pull people in individually. You can form more meaningful relationships by knowing people personally. When you are familiar to your audience, it will be much easier to interact with them and tell them what you hope to achieve. They will also be more willing to get involved in your social media efforts.

Embrace the business: Whether you write short stories, poems, or books, start approaching your art as a business. Nobody will come along to help you with your career apart from yourself. There is no point in waiting to be discovered as a writer. Put yourself and your work out there and shout about it from the rooftops if you really want your writing to thrive.

Consider social media as a communication tool: Creating a solid platform is an art and you have to be well-versed in the intricacies involved. Social media is one of the best ways to build a platform. Consider your platform to be a lifelong commitment that grows bigger as your career progresses. Therefore use social media to make valuable connections that will last for the foreseeable future.

Share your process: Depending on what social media strategy you decide to use, share that process with other people, regardless of your relationship with them. You will be surprised at how many people are willing to hear about how you are doing and even offer to contribute to make your journey fruitful. People are also more willing to stick around when you share your process with them. They will be more eager to see how you tackle various issues that you might face along the way.