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How Will the Current Trends in the World of Digital Publishing Evolve?

Digital publishing has come a long way. People would argue that going digital is the future of publishing and that print publishing is dying. That is actually not the case. Although there is a small decrease in paperback sales, the digital format has just seen a really huge increase in sales, leading people to believe that the traditional method is obsolete. The question now is how the current trends in the world of digital publishing will continue to evolve.

Here are some interesting developments in the world of digital publishing:

Twitter and Social Media: One of the current trends involves Twitter and social media. Twitter and other various social media platforms have given rise to short form communication. This leads some people to believe that people’s attention spans will no longer cater for long form types of communication. That is actually not the case because people are also using Twitter and other various social media to create a sort of gateway to check out long form communication as well as any digitally published material. Rather than Twitter or other social media becoming a hindrance, it actually becomes a great asset and is growing steadily as a trend in the world of digital publishing.

Accessibility: Another new trend is gaining access to different venues that were otherwise inaccessible with traditional printing. These special venues are wide and varying in topics and help give readers a sort of virtual newsstand that holds all their interests. This also builds a community of similarly interested people and gives them a place to come together and grow with the community. With the community in place, another access point is created that helps develop the digital publishing industry even further, especially since the people joining these communities will be very passionate about the content being shared in those areas.

Growth Through Ads: Also among the current trends in the world of digital publishing is the growth in ad spending. Digital publishing is in a unique and favorable position. Digital ad spending is growing year to year and, since digital publishing has access to both online and mobile platforms, advertisers are given more chances to identify themselves with readers. Advertisers may even think of specific content that relates to the reader by learning more about the reader’s interests, locations, as well as other activities. This is something exclusive to digital publishing that traditional publishing can’t access.

In general, publishing is thriving and continues to grow. This is even more evident for digital publishing because as all sorts of platforms or avenues continue to evolve, so does digital publishing. Social media has helped bring about this boom for digital content and so much information is shared for digital publishers to take advantage of. Every re-post or reTweet from people in social media is a good outlet to get the message across. Online communities also continue to form and grow around digital publishing platforms, giving people around the world a place where they can share related content. As digital content continues to dynamically change, current trends in the world of digital publishing will also continue to manifest themselves.