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Is Twitter Useful for the Self-published Author?

The rise of many social media platforms these days is obvious. It seems that every day new applications and networking websites are being developed. There are platforms which are merely a fad and a few successful social media forms that continuously evolve.

Consumers are easily swayed to try new social media platforms, but the real challenge is to keep them interested and loyal. Twitter is one of the most used social media platforms these days. It has been operating for 8 years now, and the number of people who use it keeps growing.

The goal behind Twitter, when it was released in 2006, was to provide short and quick exchanges of information between friends or colleagues. It only allowed 140 characters per tweet. Users were forced to communicate in a direct and clear way. Some find it challenging, but on the brighter side, people kept their messages short and meaningful. Interaction was real-time too.

Once intended for personal communication, Twitter was transformed into a marketing tool. People started to use it to promote products such as books. It became an easy and low-cost alternative to traditional marketing. People accepted this new concept, and it paved the way for easy information sharing.

So can self-published authors use social media, specifically Twitter, to market their books?

The answer is YES. However, marketing through Twitter should be planned and timely executed. As with any social media marketing approach, it shouldn’t be overdone and abused. The followers/consumers hate being bombarded with useless information and advertisements. Instead, these active users in Twitter are looking for interaction and useful reading materials throughout the day.

How can you maximize exposure through Twitter?

First and foremost, create an account. Add a photo and include a short description about yourself and your book. You want to create an account that is legitimate and active. You want people to be engaged in the information you’re sharing.

Second, build your network by marketing your own personality and your book. You should not directly tell people to buy your book; instead you should try quoting an interesting message from your book. You may also share the topics included in your project. It’s also necessary to share information about yourself, your interests and work background. This is a good way to create a buzz about your book.

It makes people curious and interested, without overwhelming them with unnecessary information. The key to gaining followers is in the exchange of information. You need to set a target market, and find ways how to interact with these people.

Self-published authors need to invest time. They need to be as accommodating as possible; answering questions sent by their followers in relation to the topic of their book. Instead of telling people to buy the book, post an interactive question that is answerable by the book being marketed. The book is being promoted in such way that it’s the answer to the reader’s problem.

Twitter is a powerful social media tool that can help market the books of self-published authors. When used correctly and to the author’s advantage, a new market of followers is gained. It creates awareness and generates income.