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The 10 Most Inspiring Social Media Sites For Authors

Authors, both published and self-published, experience writer's block every once in a while. They lack material to write about, and have difficulty working on new projects. When this happens, normally people take a break by walking in the park or they stroll around their neighborhood to refresh their minds. But, what if you don’t have time for such things?

We live in a modern world and you can still take a break without leaving your house or office. You can find inspiration and ideas in these social media platforms.

Below are 10 inspiring social media sites for authors:

Pinterest: This social media platform makes use of photos and pins. It provides inspiration to writers by feeding their imagination with visual creativity. You can find photos of various things from different locations. It’s like getting to see the world just by browsing the creative photos.

Instagram: Popularly used to share raw and filtered images captured by users all over the world. You don’t need to travel to a foreign country to experience their culture. Instagram is one of the most used social media today because of the experience it provides its users. It allows users to see different places and cultures through photos and videos. It’s a great source of inspiration.

Facebook: With over 1 billion users, Facebook is a favorite among social media platforms. It’s easy to find inspiration through photos, notes and videos shared by different users. Information is easily shared just by a click of a button.

Tumblr: This site is a favorite among writers and bloggers. It makes writing and sharing of photos simple. The interface is easy to learn, while the browsing experience is filled with visuals.

Twitter: It’s a preferred platform for small discussions. It also provides real-time exchange of information. Twitter is a good source of latest news about almost anything, from current events to the latest technology. It’s an informative social media tool.

WritersCafe.Org: A social networking site for writers that enables them to share their works, review works of fellow writers, and join forum discussions. It is often labeled the “Facebook for writers.” It’s one of the few social media platforms that provides free writing courses.

Reader’s Digest: This site is filled with reading material and tips for writers. It contains articles and photos about different topics from lifestyle, arts to business. It’s a great source of material to write about. Plus, it also provides tips on how to improve your writing skill.

Buzz Feed: Buzz Feed provides entertaining and real-life stories. It offers a fresh take on reading material and articles. It posts one-of-a-kind stories from different parts of the world. It’s a good source of inspiration for writers eager to write something new and different from their style.

Daily Writing Tips: Based on the website name, expect to find helpful tips and guidelines about writing. It refreshes a writer’s memory and techniques by teaching the basics of writing from grammar, punctuation and subject-verb agreements.

10. Suite 101: It’s a place for freelance writers, journalists or people who want to take their writing skills to the next level. You can read interesting topics from fellow writers. One unique feature of this site is it offers one-on-one editorial and writing coaching services.