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The Importance of Story Outline in Writing Romance Novels

A story outline is how you organize the events of the story before you begin to write it. An outline is a road map that brings a narrative to the desired destination of a polished work of fiction. Storytelling is like a journey through a route you haven’t traveled through before. With an outline, you save yourself the stress of wrong turns and rewriting, while still generating new ideas.

Some writers believe an outline impedes creativity. But when used accurately, it can enhance your creativity and smooth out your writing process. You mustn’t include an outline in your writing process, but you should be aware of the benefits that come with the practice. In this article, we highlight some advantages of using a story outline in romance narratives.

1. Locates the Perfect Starting Point

One tough decision in the writing process is choosing where to start your story. You need to begin at a point that will grab your readers' attention and help advance your narrative with their interest still engaged. To prevent starting at the wrong moment and reworking your first chapter, you can use an outline to determine where is best to begin your story. With the information you already have about your characters and your plot, you can structure your plot into an outline with a perfect beginning.

2. Improves Character-Plot Relationship and Development

An outline helps you manage the cause-and-effect relationship between your emotional core and plotline. With it, you can determine how the emotions of your hero and heroine affect the logic of your plot and vice versa. It allows you to make sense of the emotional behavior of your characters and have them fit into the grand design of your plot.

3. Reduces Roadblocks

Taking a wrong turn or driving into a dead-end happens when you travel a path you aren’t familiar with without a roadmap. The same holds true about writing a story without an outline. You stand the risk of writing yourself to a point where you don’t know where else to go. You can prevent that when you have already planned your story from one plot point to another. You can detail your outline enough to include a scene sequence that tells you how the narrative should progress.

4. Explores Character and Plot Ideas

An outline helps you define who your hero and heroines are and what comprises the basis of their emotional conflict. You write down the crucial details that make up the setup and advancement of your narrative and can easily refer to them when writing with the help of an outline.

5. Enhances Your Story Pitch

When talking about your story, you need to have concrete and coherent things to say. This is necessary, especially when you run into an agent at a conference and want to share your story idea. With an outline, you have something fascinating and structured to say about your latest writing project, which can lead to an invitation to submit your manuscript.

6. Predicts Your Story Length

When you use an outline, you see if your story has a complicated plot with many plot twists that may result in a lengthy romance novel, or if your plot structure is straightforward and may not hit the 100,000-word count benchmark. With this knowledge, you can add more plot twists and elements to make your work longer, or you can reduce the plot elements so they can fit into a single book. Basically, with an outline, you can speculate and determine the length of your story before you even begin to write. 

7. Facilitates the Writing Process

The writing process is arduous, and no technique, guideline, or formula can make it easy. You still have to go through the stress of writing and editing. With romances, you face the tedious process of perfectly expressing emotions, the source material often being your own emotions. But with an outline, you already have an idea of where your narrative is headed. It can help you take care of the structural aspect of your story, so you can focus your creativity on the artistic and emotional parts of the process.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Frank Stephen