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Three Useful Tips for an Engaging Facebook Author Page

Facebook is one of the most effective social media platforms for authors because it allows them to build their own Fan Page. Using these pages, you can promote your books or events, and make sure that you have an active set of followers.

However, maintaining a page is actually a challenging task. In order to utilize it to its full potential, writers need to be creative and determined to generate posts that will keep readers engaged with your works. This post will teach you three simple yet useful tricks when using Facebook author pages.

1. Always keep fans engaged

There are numerous ways of keeping your fans active and interested in Facebook. The most basic thing that you can do is share links on your author page. These could be your blog posts, images, press releases, works of your favorite authors, or interactive media like videos and audio clips.

If your fans wrote a review about your work, or they shared interesting fan art, say thanks by sharing it on your wall. Most fans love it when their favorite writers appreciate the things that they do.

Keep healthy discussions going by asking your fans some questions. Participate in these discussions by replying to their comments.

You can also host special online events and competitions where they can win exclusive prizes.

The most important thing to remember is that your page always needs to be filled with fun and interesting information.

2. Share something about yourself

Unlike other social media networks, Facebook gives you the chance to share more about yourself. Here, you are not limited to 140 characters per post. Use this opportunity to share something about yourself.

You can post interesting pictures like a family gathering or a short trip out of town. In addition, post images or videos of you with your fans at a book signing event, or you with one of your favorite writers. However, keep in mind that the personal photos that you post should be deemed appropriate and professional. As a public figure, one must still be careful with what they post.

You should try to beef up your About section. Write a brief description and a little history about your life. A simple gesture like adding hobbies, favorite movies, and other interests will help readers learn more about you.

When it comes to profile pictures, chose something that reflects you as a writer. You can opt to be creative by donning the costume of a character that you created, or look professional by wearing something formal. Never use the picture of your book as a profile image because fans like to connect with a person and not the product.

3. Join in on the fun

Learn to reach out and engage in Facebook yourself. 'Like' the pages of artists, fellow authors, and other people that you admire to learn more about how they use social media. You can also share the things that they posted.

To wrap things up

Promoting yourself using Facebook requires determination and hard work. To make your page fun for readers, you have to dedicate a lot of time just to interact and share information. However, all this effort will not go to waste. You will not just have fans, but you will have a very active community willing to spread your fame and follow all your works.