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Website Boosting Basic SEO Tips That Every Author Must Know

While most authors find that maintaining their online presence through their social media accounts is much easier, the importance of having a website doesn’t diminish in any way. Having a website is still as important as it was years ago. An author needs to have a foothold on the internet and that foothold is his or her website.

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is an important part of maintaining your online position and ensuring that you bring in more traffic to your website with time. With the right keywords, you can boost your website and ensure that you bring in traffic to your website and improve the position of your platform. The best thing about SEO is that you don’t need to hire someone to constantly review your website and keep it updated. You can actually do it itself and save money on the upkeep of your website.  

Here are some basic SEO tips that you must know to take up the reins of your website.

The first thing that you need to do is make sure that your keywords are up to date and relevant. Remember that content is king, so making sure that the content on your website is perfect is absolutely necessary. Start with phrases and keywords that you know must be used throughout your website.

Having large graphics that cover most of your home page is not good for your SEO performance. Sure, they may look good on screen and look pleasing to the eye, but you need to balance that out with some content as well. For the search engine, such a page is completely blank so any content written on the image is wasted and not considered by the search engine at all.

Avoid using common terms such as “novel,” “author” or suchlike. You need to be more specific and you need to be precise so that you can draw your targeted audience to your page. You will have a better chance of appearing in the searches if you choose more specific terms such as “YA novel,” “YA romance novel,” or “women’s fiction.”

The author websites usually rank better on the search engine because these websites have genuine content such as excerpts, book descriptions, reviews and such. Since these come under the hardcore content category, they will be filled with genuine keywords that naturally rank better as well.

One thing that you need to be careful about is the websites that are linked to your website. Their quality and their content matters a lot, so you need to be cautious about which websites you link to your author website. Only link your website with a platform that has better rankings and only has quality content.

Remember that the amount of traffic you get on your website is very important, but your goal should not be to get any traffic, but relevant traffic. You need to direct relevant traffic to your website, which can only be done with correct SEO and good SEO practices. Relevant content is king and is the key ingredient in ensuring high rankings for your website.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Rabia Tanveer

Xander Emmanuel

Excellent! Thanks for creating this amazing content. I really liked the way you described all the points related to Marketing in detail. It’s very helpful.