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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

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What Are the Best Sites to Sell Your Self-published Books?

Once you have finally managed to write your book, the next step obviously is to sell your book. However, before this can be achieved you need to find a publisher to distribute your book, whether it be a paperback version or an eBook.

This can often be problematic for authors as they do not know the best sites to self-publish their book in order to sell it.

Here are some of the best and author friendly sites to use. They are all worth considering.

Amazon is one of the most popular choices for self-published authors as everyone who searches for a book will look on Amazon. Therefore the power of Amazon cannot be overlooked, especially if you are a self-published author.

You can upload your book either via the Kindle Direct Publishing route, which will allow you to sell your book in kindle format, or you can use their sister company, CreateSpace, in which to publish a hard copy of your book. You can also use CreateSpace to convert your paper copy into a kindle version although you pay for this service.

Once you have published with them your book will then be available on the various Amazon sites. If you opt into the Kindle Select option you will also be able to offer your book for free download and readers will be able to loan the book via the Amazon Prime route

Blurb is an excellent option if you want to sell a photography book. You can again create either a paper book version or an eBook. You are only able to sell your book via Blurb though, so will not have as much of a wide market as Amazon. The process of actually making your book is pretty painless as you simply download one of their many templates and they will guide you through the process. You can also make a fiction book using this process.

Lulu is a perfect platform in producing novels and photo books. They can publish on your behalf and can also create eBooks from your print copy. You can publish with them using a free service or one of their paid services. You can also choose your own royalties options as with Blurb and Amazon. Lulu is most probably best if you only want a few books sold or your book has many images. You sell your book through Lulu’s channels, not Amazon.

Smashwords is also another popular choice and allows your eBook on all eBook platforms. However, their formatting guide is quite tricky but the benefits of perseverance means that your book can be made available on all platforms, so is well worth the effort if you are competent at formatting.

There are many options out there for the self-published author; you just need to work out which offers the best service for you.