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When is Reading Fashionable?

Reading is a passion. Too much reading, though, can make you look too nerdy or being a bookworm and may not exactly come off as cool in the eyes of others. The question in many people’s mind today is: “Is reading fashionable?” There are a whole lot of ways to continue to read and still come off as fashionable. Here are some suggestions that can make the reader cool while still being able to read in peace.

Glasses: Glasses are enjoying a resurgence in popularity. Take, for example, the monocle. The monocle is a one-lensed eyepiece that used to be favored in the 19th century by barons and military men. Now, even popular music figures are donning this fashionable piece of eye wear. The monocle serves not only as a fashion accessory but also aids in reading.

Wearable technology: Wearable technology is one of the great answers to the question: "Is reading fashionable?" Wearable technology is anything that can be worn like clothing or accessories that incorporate any computer or advanced electronic technologies. The designs are cutting edge and also incorporate practical and useful functions and features that can be specifically for a certain use such as reading.

Smart glasses are glasses that have wearable technology embedded in them. These glasses have an optical head mounted display or have glasses with transparent heads up display or even augmented reality overlay connected via the internet. It has a wide variety of functions and serves well when reading. Some of these glasses fit well with the ‘nerd is in’ type of look. That is, the glasses purposely look like the old school geeky glasses from the past that are suddenly becoming more and more popular. What’s even cooler is that these glasses have high tech capabilities, ranging from great cameras to accelerometers, thermometers and even map displays or GPS navigation. These smart glasses allow you to read emails on the glasses themselves or even social media as well as books. The technology is very new, but also very promising.

Another way to answer the question: "Is reading fashionable?" is by trying another type of wearable technology called a ‘wearable book.’ A wearable book creates physical sensations that are based on the written word. The technology is still in the early phases, but holds promise especially in terms of interaction. To have the wearable book function, the reader must wear a vest-like contraption that uses a number of effects such as ambient lighting, vibration, different temperatures and compression to produce a variety of physical sensations that represent the setting and emotion described in the book.

When the question: "Is reading fashionable?" is asked, it is important to remember that fashion is still dependent on a person’s opinion. What may be fashionable for some may not necessarily be fashionable for others. It is important to be comfortable and confident when wanting to read as different people will always have different opinions in terms of fashion.