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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

Keeping Up with Current Trends in Children’s Literature

Even children’s literature is not immune to change. It is not surprising since new writers emerge and societies present new interests and ways of doing things. Changes in children’s literature are aimed to keep kids interested in reading. Television and computers have influenced their interests,...

The Rise in Fan Fiction and Can It Outsell More Traditional Books?

Readers today are contemplating questions about the rise in fan fiction and asking if it can outsell more traditional books. One of the most interesting news items on this subject was the outselling of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter Series by E.L. James’ 50 Shades Trilogy....

Publishing Predictions for the Future

The book publishing industry continues to change. It is important to know what publishing predictions will hold so that consumers and publishers alike can prepare for different possible outcomes or change any potentially bad predictions to become better for those affected. Big publishers may start to...

What Are the Current Book Publishing Trends?

Book publishing continues to evolve and while that is good, it is also important to answer the question: what are the current book publishing trends? There are a lot and they can vary as time passes, but below are some trends that are worth taking...

Literary Agents’ Perspectives on the New Trend in Young Adult Writing

Young adult writing is taking the world by storm. The growth of young adult writing has become stronger in the past few years. Young adult books are mainly for teenagers as well as pre-teenagers. The ages are usually in the 12 to 18 category. Strangely,...

How Will the Current Trends in the World of Digital Publishing Evolve?

Digital publishing has come a long way. People would argue that going digital is the future of publishing and that print publishing is dying. That is actually not the case. Although there is a small decrease in paperback sales, the digital format has just seen...

When is Reading Fashionable?

Reading is a passion. Too much reading, though, can make you look too nerdy or being a bookworm and may not exactly come off as cool in the eyes of others. The question in many people’s mind today is: “Is reading fashionable?” There are a...

An Indie Taste in the Bestseller Market

Until recently, publishing a book could be extremely difficult. You'd have to deal with the extensive marketing necessary to get your book seen and bought. You'd have to pay for exorbitant printing costs that only become cost-efficient if you print many, many more books than...

The Global Reader

Up until recently, the vast majority of authors would only be read in their countries of origin, or in the countries they chose to publish their works. It used to take an exceptional piece of literature, or at least one that was marketed in an...

The Self-Publishing Revolution

The publishing stage has always been an incredibly difficult part of the literary process. In some cases it can actually be harder than writing the literature itself, because it's one thing to create a novel and it's another thing to get someone to print it and for...