The Eternal Highlander

Zebra Historical Romance

Romance - Historical
320 Pages
Reviewed on 10/21/2013
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Karen Pirnot for Readers' Favorite

The Eternal Highlander is written by Lynsay Sands and Hannah Howell. Being part of the Vampire Romance series, it introduces the reader to Bridget, who is captured on her way to spend time with her cousin at the clan court. Cathal MacNachton is the leader of his clan, a clan that hides deep, dark secrets which have alienated them from the surrounding clans. They are night hunters and their prey is a source of fear for all of the nearby residents. When Bridget is captured by the MacNachtons, she is initially afraid of their intentions. But the minute she meets Cathal, she feels an attraction and a bond which seems to free her from her fears. The second part of the story involves another Highland bride named Eva Caxton, who is chosen to wed Cathal's cousin Connall MacAdie, also the leader of his clan. They hold the same secrets as the MacNachton clan and Eva has severe reservations about her fate, partly because her brother had wed her in exchange for money.

I found both of the lead women to be spunky and likable characters who seemed fully capable of fending for themselves in less-than-desirable situations. Likewise, their counterparts - the clan Lords - were appealing in their understanding of their brides as well as their obvious sexuality. There is plenty of steamy sex in the novel and those attracted to vampire stories will certainly be salivating with each chapter. I did find the second section a bit redundant but realized it was essential to establishing the groundwork for future novels. The book is a captivating fantasy-romance read.