Through The Mists of Time

Romance - Historical
304 Pages
Reviewed on 10/13/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

Valerie Brooks was only six years old when A carriage accident left her right foot crooked. At eighteen she dreams of love and marriage. She feels no man will ever want to marry her. She is studying Latin and ancient history so she can teach. On a trip to Pompeii with her family, Valerie meets two strange gypsy women. One tells her she will have her heart broken and the other tells her she will travel through the Mists Of Time to find love. Valerie doubts she will ever find love.

Valerie is accidentally hit on the head with a rock, when she wakes up she is in Pompeii 79 AD, just before the catastrophic volcanic destroyed the city. Her clothes and speech were different. People wondered if she was a witch or an escaped slave. She knew she had to escape before the volcanic eruption.

Christos Campanius Marcellus was wanted by many woman but he wanted the woman who appeared nightly in his dreams. She seemed real and in his last dream promised to see him. He saw her under arrest. Could she be a witch. To make sure he bought her as a slave and brought her to his home.

I love a good historical romance and was not disappointed in this one. This book is very entertaining. I do think the prologue was a bit misleading. It hinted at much more graphic plot. The author well researched the time frame. Well done MS Barnett.